3S School Synergy Snacks

EYES: Youth Employability and Social value




Private Initiatives


Athens, Geece

General Description of the project

It is a Social Cooperative Enterprise for the Integration of Vulnerable Social Groups that has been operating since 2019 with the vision of vocational rehabilitation and the maximum possible autonomy of young people with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disorders. Our products are “Energy Nut Bars”, with high nutritional value and emphasis on the quality of raw materials, using Greek recipes with a social flavour.

“We envision a world in which people with disabilities have equal employment opportunities and equally claim their inclusion in society. We believe in extroversion and partnerships that will enhance our efforts and maximize our social footprint. We choose quality in our products and support local producers.”


-Social inclusion and employment opportunities -Creation of synergies -Support of local economy and entrepreneurs

Social motivation

Grupal dimension and territorial reach

-The team consists of founders, employees, and volunteers -Local and national reach but with great potential through the enterprise’s e-shop

Transferability and replicability and contribution in terms as “what can we learn about this good

Similar enterprises aiming at employing this target group can be developed, with products or services development that will address local or national audiences, who will also be trained and gain awareness on how to interact with people with disabilities. Also, these enterprises can offer their products and/or services to schools, so that children and young people will be in contact with disabilities from a young age and in this way they will develop even higher acceptance and achieve wider integration.

To which SDG contributes

SDG 8. Decent work and economic growth SDG 10. Reduce inequalities SDG 12. Responsible consumption and production






