Efecto Mariposa, ¿y tú qué piensas?

EYES: Youth Employability and Social value




Non- Profit Organisations


Mairena del Aljarafe, Sevilla, Spain

General Description of the project

In a neighborhood association, young people have found a space where they can develop their concerns and grow as people. These boys and girls have a strong belief that working together can change the world, and they see themselves as the butterfly effect of the world. To this end, they fight together against injustice and social problems, to transform society and make the world a better place.

Against racism, integration; against violence, tolerance; against abuse, true love; against discrimination, solidarity. Against discrimination, solidarity. The Association’s Youth Group consists of a group of about 26 boys and girls of different ages (between 14 and 18 years old) who, being different, have learned to accept, understand and work as a group.


The main objectives they seek through these meetings can be summed up as: -The group is also a good opportunity to express its views in front of the rest of the group and to learn from life. -Encourage knowledge and acceptance of what is different. Learning to put oneself in the place of the other. -Involve young people in social issues that affect them and where they have a lot to say: violence, racism, discriminatio

Social motivation

Linked to a community

Grupal dimension and territorial reach

It is a good practice where an association, normally associated with adults, has involved young people who have wanted to reflect on interests that concern them, such as social inclusion, types of violence, discrimination, etc. Perhaps, showing this good practice in Neighbourhood Associations would help to eliminate the idea that these associations are only for older people and involve more young people. It could start at the local level and gradually expand the idea and share the activities that have been carried out to other cities as well.

Transferability and replicability and contribution in terms as “what can we learn about this good

Giving voice to the concerns of all. Members have a space where they can share their concerns and feel a sense of ownership of their organization. Enthusiasm. Young people get involved in different initiatives. Imagination and innovation. Each year we have tried to come up with a product from the discussion group that gives repercussion and visibility to the work carried out. Learning to work together.

To which SDG contributes

5. Equality gender 10. Reduced inequalities. 16. Pace, justice and strong institutions.


Transferability, Innovation and creativity, Gender equality, Positive impact, Needs belonging, Entrepreneurship, Administration and management



