
EYES: Youth Employability and Social value




General Description of the project

HASSAD is a business acceleration program designed for the next generation of Agritech & Agrifood startup companies in the world. The Acceleration program has been designed by studying the journeys of successful Agritech startup companies and the agricultural sector in multiple economies and then designed an interactive acceleration program

How HASSAD Works: It works in different phases. 1) ApplyThis phase includes awareness workshops and activities on technologies and innovation that are related to agriculture, present the offering of HASSAD, the selection criteria and introduce them to the current Agritech ecosystem, all activities aims to attract the Agritech startups to submit an application to join the program. Other partners, local universities, and related organizations will host awareness workshops and promote HASSAD call for applications. 2) Prove​: During this phase they  implement a validation process for at least 40 teams that aims to prove the capacity of the applicants, give them time to validate and present their solution in front of a selection committee, the process will include connecting the teams to interact with experts from the industry, conduct on site. 3) Build: ​The program is designed to enable the startups to validate their Solution & Develop a solid business model, the program include group workshops and one to one coaching sessions, each startup will go through Business needs assessment that will determine the intervention road map. 4) Visit: farm field visits and business focused sessions on business model canvas, product development, MVP and presentation skills. 5) Grow: ​Startups by this stage will have developed a clear growth strategy, final pitch deck with a clear ask, identified potential funding and investment resources, practiced and mastered investment pitchin.


HASSAD is offering an acceleration program designed to add additional disruption to the most important sector in Jordan, the Arab World, and Globally – Agriculture. We want to work with people across the Agritech & Agri-food value chain from Jordan and the world

Social motivation

Linked to a cause, Linked to a collective, Linked to a community

Grupal dimension and territorial reach

Hassad is accelerator program run 3 times a year , it focus on farm from different prospectives like smart farming , crop protection and fertilizing , Biotech , aquaculture , farming and robotics , waste tech , farm and consumer ,irrigation water management and more , the accelerate the industrial ideas or small business to be very successful , the deminsion is global , not jordan but all the world

Transferability and replicability and contribution in terms as “what can we learn about this good

Hassad have great partnership and they have mission The innovation and validation partner assigned for each startup with a clear roadmap that ensures that the startup is equipped with the required resources needed to implement its solution, this will include pre scheduled field visits for the designated innovations labs and farms. Physical space for Startups will be available on request and in collaboration with our Innovation and Validation champions. So this kind of cooperation give opportunity for more success and more chances for new ideas to be adopted.

To which SDG contributes

Not indicated


Innovation and creativity, Positive impact




