Made in Carcere Officina Creativa

EYES: Youth Employability and Social value




Public Administration: National State Administration, autonomic communities, city councils, associations, institutional agencies, etc.



General Description of the project

Made in Carcere aims at giving to a specific category of people the opportunity to acquire technical and professional skills, so to be hired, receive a regular salary, but, above all, build awareness and regain a sense of dignity. This group of people is represented by Women, Men and Minors in detention, or subjected to limitations of personal freedom, who therefore live in a condition of marginality.

They are trained and remunerated for the production of manufactured products (such as t-shirts and bags) born from the (re)use of fabric samples and textile material donated by Italian companies, which becomes the raw material that would otherwise be destined to textile landfills and incinerators.


Implement a new model of “circular social economy”, that is capable of self-sustaining itself in a regime of free competition, also supporting the environment and improving the life condition of marginalized people.

Social motivation

Grupal dimension and territorial reach

Marginalized people, more specifically people in detention, or subjected to limitations of personal freedom.

Transferability and replicability and contribution in terms as “what can we learn about this good

Made in Carcere is a replicable model of social enterprise in fact the main objective of the founder Luciana Delle Donne is to consolidate a model of social enterprise that can be replicated on the national scale to generate benefits for a broader group of people.

To which SDG contributes

Quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible consumption and production, climate action



