
EYES: Youth Employability and Social value


Sustainability and the environment



Barcelona, Spain

General Description of the project

Sorbos are the first edible and aromatic straws on the market. Due to the recurrent problem that exists with plastic on our planet, where every year tons of plastic end up in the sea, they decided to look for a real alternative in order to stop the massive consumption of plastic straws around the world.

Their awareness consists of giving consumers the possibility to drink their favorite drinks through a straw in the same way as before, but without having to resort to a product that is used for a few seconds and leaves a residue on the planet for several hundred years. Additionally, in Sorbos, they generate a new consumer experience, as you can enjoy your drink and at the same time eat the straw with different flavors that adapt to any drink.


Fighting against single-use plastics. Sorbos is committed to collaborating with ocean conservation associations, cleaning up seas and rivers, and caring for marine species.

Social motivation

Linked to a cause

Grupal dimension and territorial reach

This is a good practice that could be copied by companies marketing such products in order to stop using plastics. As has been done with straws, it could be done with other products.

Transferability and replicability and contribution in terms as “what can we learn about this good

Stop using plastics by using other materials or replace them, as in this case, with a product that we can also enjoy.

To which SDG contributes

Climate action.


Sustainability, Transferability, Innovation and creativity, Positive impact, Entrepreneurship, Diversification


