Thaat – Creative social enterprise (CSE)

EYES: Youth Employability and Social value


Sustainability and the environment


Private Initiatives


Cairo, Egypt

General Description of the project

Thaat is an Egyptian social enterprise that recognises the importance of providing agency to local artisans and emerging designers and attempts to increase economic opportunities for young people who face difficulties entering the workplace.

The focus is on expanding craft/design and business related industries networks-that are significant in supporting long-term sustainable social, cultural and economic benefits.


Thaat aims to empower local artisans to maintain a sustainable livelihood by improving the productivity and design of local handicrafts, reviving and preserving traditional handicrafts, creating more job opportunities for local artisans and supporting new design talents.

Social motivation

Linked to a cause

Grupal dimension and territorial reach

Thaat is considered to be a good practice for enterprises that seek to innovative and to eliminate gender inequality in their countries. Thaat’s target is to provide designers especially women with job opportunities. Besides, it offers training through working with local civil society as well as international institutions.

Transferability and replicability and contribution in terms as “what can we learn about this good

● Reducing inequality in the country Thaat founder focused on working with marginalized women, especially women and girls.She aims to make them central to her vision and to raise their awareness and confidence to be decision-makers. ● Innovation They try to create something new by a combination between the contemporary and the traditional cuts. ● Facing the challenges of the Market The market is evolving and changing rapidly and thaat’s team always try to meet people demands and attract their attention by the quality of work they are doing.

To which SDG contributes

Goal no 5 (gender equality) and goal no 8 (decent work and economic growth).



